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Showing posts from August, 2021

S3 Ep. 8- August

 Welcome back to Thrak Attack! What's your adventure? This month held so many great adventures in the likes of games, TV shows, movies, and music! Some of the best of the year in fact and some that will be making it onto my final "Top 10 of 2021" lists! So is that enough to entice you? Here are the top 10 adventures of August 2021! 10. The Suicide Squad is a weird movie for many reasons. It's weird because it's a completely separate movie from the 2016 Suicide Squad film. It's weird because 3 of the same actors play the same characters in this film as they did in the 2016 version. It's weird because there are multiple D list marvel characters as the leads of this film. It's weird because James Gunn is the director. And it's weird because in the finale they fight and giant starfish.  9. Axiom Verge 2 is a fine game... but it's just not my style. Which is weird because I absolutely love Metroid Games (Metroid Fusion being my favorite and I canno...

S3 Ep. 7- July

 Welcome back to Thrak Attack! What's your adventure? This month took us to a bunch of different musical landscapes, 2 movies AT the theater, and some new and returning TV shows. Also full disclosure, I am meaning to see "The Green Knight" with Dev Patel but haven't gotten around to it due to both that and Jungle Cruise releasing the last weekend of the month. So it won't be reflected on this list but it may be reflected at the end of the year Top 10 lists! So with all of that out of the way let's jump right into our Top 10 adventures in the month of July! 10. "Gold Diggers Sound" by Leon Bridges is a fine album. He is such a talented and timeless artist that I can't help but enjoy this album but this time around, a little bit of the shine has worn off. After hearing "River" and "Beyond" these tracks are a little bit stale. The standout tracks on this album are "Magnolias", "Motorbike", and "Details...