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S2 Ep. 12- December

 Welcome back to Thrak Attack! What's your adventure? This month brought only a few adventures but they were some big ones! It's the last month of the year so this will be the last episode until next Thursday's Top 10 of the year! Get ready for it! But we have to log these last few adventures before we do! So here we go, December!

Top 5 of December!

Godmothered | Disney+ Originals

5. Godmothered on Disney+ is a cheesy movie that takes a spin on the magical movie genre. It's a good premise for a fun movie but it was not a good execution. I think the cast was good and plot was decent but the film just didn't go anywhere.

What Is This Entire Cyberpunk 2077 Debacle All About? | The Mary Sue

4. Cyberpunk 2077 had a rough launch. I heard a lot of issues that were happening but I didn't experience them, or so I thought. I was only about 2 hours into the game and was it was going fine until I was having trouble getting through a simple section of the game and it was taking 5 head shots to take down an enemy. I don't know if its the bugs or if it's me being terrible at shooters but I don't know else to get through the game. Hopefully I'll get past this section and figure it out so I can continue on with the game!

Taylor Swift: evermore Album Review | Pitchfork

3. "Evermore" by Taylor Swift is the second album by Taylor in 2020. I enjoy this one much more than the first but I am biased because it features one of my favorite artists of the year. HAIM is featured in "No Body, No Crime" and is the best song on the album. Other notable tracks include "Tis' the Damn Season" and "Happiness". 

Immortals Fenyx Rising on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, PC & More | Ubisoft  (GB)

2. Immortals: Fenyx Rising on the Switch is a funny, adventurous, and beautifully crafted game. The premise and narration is fantastic, the open world is vast and detailed, the art style is stunning, and the puzzles are fun! Unfortunately, it's made by Ubisoft and they try to nickel and dime you at every turn. I already paid $60 for the game! Why would I pay more to get things that are in the game. Seems pretty lame to me but that's the nature of games now. 

Paul McCartney 'McCartney III' Review

1. "McCartney III" by Paul McCartney is a fantastic album from a legendary artist. Every time you think this man has tapped all of his creative energy he puts out another fantastic album with a new sound! The style of the music throughout is cohesive but never old. I love how the Winter Bird songs bookend the album but the real highlight is the 8 minute "Deep Deep Feeling". It's a fantastic song with a great chorus that repeats in a swirling mixture of styles and emotions. Also, it has the best album artwork of the year. 


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