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Showing posts from February, 2022


  Welcome back to Thrak Attack, what's your adventure? Today's adventure takes us on an adventure around the world with an iconic video game character Nathan Drake from the Uncharted video game series. The series is fantastic and proves it by having 4 entries in the main series and some spin offs. Does this film do it justice? We shall find out. First off all, the opening Playstation movie logo got me excited for more Playstation movies! I am currently playing through Horizon Forbidden West and would love to see Alloy on the big screen! But then the movie a scene that takes place 3/4th's through the movie that immediately cuts back to the beginning of the story. I understand that that is the most famous scene from the Uncharted games and that the director wanted to grab the audience from the start but that was not the way to get my attention. It also put a huge emphasis on the necklace that his brother gave him but that never became important. What I like about

The Book of Boba Fett

  Welcome back to Thrak Attack! What's your adventure? And welcome to TV Thursday! On today's adventure we are on our way to Tattooine, again, to follow a character who received a show just because his character design was really cool! Nothing else about him is interesting except that he has some cool friends like Fennec Shand and Din Djarin. This show had a lot of potential but fell flat in my opinion, so let's get into the review! This show takes place after the events of "Return of the Jedi" and follows the "main" character Boba Fett taking over for the late Jabba the Hutt as the new crime lord. Story wise this makes sense, what doesn't make sense is how he survived to get there. The first half of this show is showing us how amazing Boba Fett is getting out of tough situations but most of those situations are extremely unbelievable and don't carry over to the finale. Temuera Morrison is a great actor but the fact that he's playing a charac

Pokemon Legends Arceus

  Welcome back to Thrak Attack! What's your adventure? and welcome to the very first Wireless Wednesday! The weekly review post about video games! Today's adventure takes us to the Hisui region of the Pokemon world which may be Sinnoh in the past or may be Sinnoh in another dimension, the game doesn't entirely clear that up. It's been about two weeks since the game was released and I have sunk about 40 hours into it so it's safe to say I am ready to review it! So let's jump right in! This is not your typical Pokemon game. The basic premise is still there, you are tasked with completing the Pokédex and documenting every Pokemon in the region but this time the game gives you incentive to reach that goal and gives you different tasks and research points to find for each Pokemon. The battle system is still there although with minor tweaks but you don't technically have to enter a battle with a wild Pokemon in order to catch it and the game flows in and out of ba

The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild

  Welcome back to Thrak Attack! What's your adventure? And welcome to Movie Tuesdays! Every Tuesday I'm hoping to review a movie that has been released within the past week, some weeks may not have a review but I managed to scrounge one up for this week's first post! Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild is a Disney+ exclusive and I cannot believe that before the Fox merger they were actually going to release this film in theaters! Here is the review! This is the 6th Ice Age film since 2002 when it began and the original film and cast were great! The animation was cutting edge, the voices were really well done, the marketing for the film was fantastic, and it had a large cultural impact on how the public perceived digital animation! Unfortunately after 20 years, the original cast has dropped out even though they are using the same characters and the story telling has really suffered. In this film Crash and Eddie, two of the most annoying characters, are the leads as they leave th

"Give Me the Future" by Bastille

  Welcome back to Thrak Attack, what's your adventure? And welcome to the first week of Music Monday! Every Monday will be a new review of an album released the previous Friday. This week's album is "Give Me the Future" by Bastille so let's jump right into the review! Bastille has been around since 2013 and has released four albums in that span and many hits (although none of them overshadowing "Pompeii"). They've had a very impressive career already and was wary that their time has come for them to fade into music history... until I heard this album. Most indie pop groups have one dimensional albums with one dimensional concepts but that is not the case with "Give Me the Future". Every track on this album brings new ideas and perspectives on the concept this album has. The concept of this album revolves around the future, not the future that we are currently living in but the past dreams of the future from authors like Aldous Huxley, L. Fr